#7E7E7E Info

#7E7E7E (say “hash seven ee seven ee seven ee”) was Half-Gray’s music identity. Its main use was to acknowledge connections that “cross” my different online identities.

For example, when I remixed a song by Silva Hound that represents a type of music I particularly hate, I acknowledged the fact that Silva Hound was (at the time) mostly known for his My Little Pony fan music (and indeed the first song I heard from him was “Hooves Up High”).

This acknowledgement takes the form of a mark in the corner of the cover art. On YouTube, it used to have an annotation with information about the connection and a link to a relevant video.

Example of #7E7E7E mark on cover art

Online Accounts

I used “7e7e7e” as my username on Dubtrack.fm and Plug.dj, two music-sharing sites that have both shut down.

List of Marks

If you’re curious, here are all the times I used the mark on the cover art: